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Certified drainlayers, Watercare approved contractors and ASM network approved; Our staff are knowledgeable and experienced in all things drainage.


With a combined knowledge base of 40+ years no job is too complex for the team at S.T.S

Public Drainage

Private Drainage

What is Private Drainage?

A private drain is all drainage systems (sewage and stormwater) constructed privately to service a single or small number of properties. A private drain does not have to be on an owners property.


The owner of the property or properties served by the private drain also own the private drain(s). If the drain also lies under other properties, there should be an easement to allow access for maintenance.


The owner of the property or properties served by the private drain is responsible for its maintenance up to and includes the connection to the public line.


Confusion often arises about who the owner of the drain is if the problem is in a private common line serving a number of cross leased properties. In such instances the owner of all of the properties served by the common line are jointly responsible for all of the costs of maintenance and repair. If no single owner undertakes to organise the repair on behalf of the other owners Council will have its own contractors repair the drain and split the charge equally between the owners.

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